Re-run the vote
No World Cup without workers’ rights For more information, please visit our website
No World Cup without workers’ rights For more information, please visit our website
Approved organisations can sign in here to gain access to the ITUC OHS closed area.
For more details of the G20 OHS survey click here.
Unions know they can use their collective voice and power to secure through negotiation or through action improvements in workplace safety. Organised workplaces are safer workplaces. Make sure you have the systems in place to secure effective consultative structures and workforce involvement. See related guides and resources Read More
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A sporting chance for workers Sports-fans, workers, activists and consumers worldwide have united in a campaign to make sure that sports events will be fair for workers making sporting goods and building venues as well as fair for athletes – no matter whether it’s the Olympics, UEFA, FIFA, the CommonwealthRead More
A listing of ITUC safety and health re;ports will go here
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Here is a digest of links to health and safety webpages including those of international and national union bodies, tripartite organisations and other relevant sites. Global unions health safety webpages National and regional union health and safety webpages ILO Safework ILO occupational health and safety conventions and recommendations Basel ConventionRead More